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Keewatin Minnesota History
1 (mostly family and personal history)
Page 2 (general history, sporting, band
and church history)
Page 3 (school, organization and union history)
Page 4 (mining history)
Excerpted from
Printed by the Eastern Itascan, Published 1956
"READIN' AND RITIN' AND RITHMETIC" Leading thinkers throughout history have
attempted to define the word "education". They have never been able
to agree exactly on how it should be defined, but for centuries there
has been little doubt about its essential purpose—to teach someone an idea
or fact. Schools became a necessity as soon as letters
were invented. Their importance continued to grow until the present system
was reached—the elementary and secondary schools, and institutions of high
learning. Americans believe, that if democracy is to function and progress
as it should, its citizens should have access to learning.

First pupils enrolled in the first school. These people have been
identified: Joe Shuirman, Gabe Shuirman, John McEachin, Alice Shuirman,
Adele Johnson, and Lawrence McEachin. |
The residents of this community are very
grateful to the forward-looking pioneers who established the first schools
which have evolved into the present excellent educational system. The Keewatin
schools, following the highest standards for elementary and secondary education,
have contributed many young people to be among the leaders and followers
in this great country of America.
The people of today are always working
for a better world in which to live. That better world can be attained
through improved education of the youth. That is what the citizens of
Keewatin have tried to accomplish. Horace Mann, a great American educator,
once told his students in a baccalaureate address: "Be ashamed to die
until you have won some victory for humanity." Carol Makinen, Grade 12
June 12, 1906. Certificate of organization
of Common School District Number Nine, Keewatin and Nashwauk. Board of Education: Charles W. Latvala, George
S. Bolton, John M. Bush.

First Public School |
First School—Two class room frame building
on present site of Keewatin schools. Contract let to J. A. Roberts and Company
at a cost of about $9,000.00. About twenty-five pupils enrolled at opening
and increased to about forty later in the year. Teacher's quarters on second
floor. First teachers: Miss Nelson and Miss Hathaway. Janitor and family
lived in basement. First janitor: John Maki.

Some of the first teachers in the first school. Among
them are the Misses Nelson, Vipond, and Hathaway. |
In 1907 the district was organized as Common
School District Number Nine of Nashwauk and Keewatin.
1908 — First Superintendent of Schools,
Henry A. Gilruth, was hired.
1910—First eighth grade graduates: Pearl
Murphy and Mildred Bell.
In 1910 there were 194 pupils and five
teachers. Miss Bergeman taught cooking and sewing.
By 1910 water and power was installed.
1910—Landscaping of grounds.
First University of Minnesota graduate
from Keewatin was Ben Markus.
Contract for St. Paul School at the St.
Paul school.
St. Paul Mine location was let to C.
A. Killander for about $22,000.00—four classrooms.

St. Paul School |
1911 — Principal of Keewatin Schools
and St. Paul, W. K. Norris.
Dedication—November 1, 1911.
Teachers—Miss Norris, Miss Conary, Miss
Chase, Miss DeMar.
Janitor—Anthony Falbo.
1911—First night school adult classes
at St. Paul. Manual training and domestic science taught by Nashwauk
instructors. (Modern plumbing, first
school bath tub etc. Towels at two cents each.) St. Paul school torn
down in 1931.
In July 1912 schools were changed from
a Common to an Independent School District.
In 1911, first kindergarten in Village
Hall. In 1911 there were 196 pupils.
In July 1911, first Keewatin school moved
to present site of the R. L. Downing High to be used until a new grade
school could be erected.
1914 — Keewatin Grade School building
completed; ten classrooms, auditorium, office, library, manual training,
home economics.

New Grade School 1914 |
March 14, 1914—Keewatin Grade School
dedicated, J. Adam Bede, speaker. (Daughter Rita Bede taught here later).
One hundred and fifty pupils enrolled in Grade School.
June 7, 1914—First dance in new grade
school. DiMarco orchestra of Hibbing furnished the music.
March 14, 1914—Miss Frances Sawyer first
librarian. First home economics teacher, Miss Mariam Cordes. Library
to receive thirty-five magazines and daily papers.
1914—Agricultural plot (instructor from
Nashwauk). School and Village library.
1915—First high school work begun.
1915—First school band formed with forty-two

Keewatin-Nashwauk High School Band 1916. Director,
Victor Taipala. Band members first row: Carl Lindquist, Henry Rokola,
Ernest Johnston, Rufus Johnston, Peter Billotte, Ted Shuirman: Second
row: Vaino Maki, Helmi Taipala, Carl Gentile, Ken. Bright, Carl
Backlund, Nick Gentile, Seppo Taipala; Third row: Rudy Raattama,
Eino Karkinen, John Morris, Neil McEachin, Russel Tweed, Hans Latvala,
Claud Extrum, Wm. Morris, Laurence McEachin, Sul Rantila, Sam Sapiro;
Fourth row, Eino Rantala, Ernest Gallina, unidentified, Toivo Nurkka,
John Morris, John Tarro, Russell Kuro, George Kokko, Edgar Gallina;
Fifth row: Mamie Wirtanen, John McEachin, Gabe Shuirman, and Carl
Ranta. |
1915—First band concert, Victor Taipole,
1916—School band at State Fair.
August 1915—John C. Hoskinson hired as
1916—Night School classes three nights
a week.
1917—First school garage built by J.
W. Wakkinen.
1918—Influenza epidemic. Schools closed
for several months.
1919—Lyceum courses authorized.
1919-1923—C. W. Street, Superintendent
of Schools.
1920—Bennett School, Bennett Location,
completed during summer and was ready for opening in September.
Architects: Bray, Holstead and Sullivan of Duluth.
Teachers: Miss Clara Steinholf, Miss Emily Stember, Miss Amanda Birkholz.
Lumber from first school used as framework.
Bennett School sold in 1933.

The Bennett School |
1920—First hot lunches served to bus
1922—Completion of new R. L. Downing
High School. Dedication, February 3, 1922. Named for R. L. Downing,
Bennett Mine Superintendent.
1922—Mr. Wickman, Principal.
1923-1938—J. E. Lunn, Superintendent
of Schools.
1923—Schools promoted to four year accredited
high school list.

Robert L. Downing High School |
1924—First football team.
1924—W. 0. Anderson, Principal.
1924—Beatrice Dandea sent to State Fair,
champion bread maker.
1928—Jean Chastan won a free trip to
the 4-H Club short course in St. Paul.
1929—Keewatin schools had an enrollment
of 794 pupils, the largest in its history.
1929—D. J. Rochon directed his last concert.
Left Keewatin to take over band work at St. Thomas College.
Mr. C. H. Bordwell, new band director
in Keewatin.
1930—Regional Basketball Tournament held
in Keewatin.

Night School program held in 1930. From left to right: Gust Silta,
Frank Antonich, Peter Knaus, Eino Oja, Tom Saari, Gust Peitilla,
Nat Cappelletti, James Rico, Frank lammatteo, Mrs. Pete Fillippi,
Tony Molea, John Arrigoni, Mrs. Tony General, Mrs. Pete Lindberg,
011e Erickson, Mrs. Joe Kukich, John Brletich, Mrs. Mike Serich,
Andrew Baraga, Mrs. John Kramarich, Mrs. Matt Pribonich, Matt Stockovich,
Mike Drezenovich, Mrs. Matt Vukolich, Matt Vukolich, Joe Antonich,
Mrs. Tom Saari, Mrs. Hugo Kaisto, Elmer Ylitalo, Mrs. Jack Kleimola,
Mrs. Emil Winters, Emil Silta, Mrs. Ida Martolin, Mrs. Chas. Tolvanen,
Emil Winters, and John Pukka. |
1931—Harriet Stanton and Evelyn Anselmo
won trips to State Fair as Clothing Champion and Bread Demonstrator
1932—Thersa Rico at State Fair as bread
making champion of Itasca County. Theresa was also given a reception
for winning title of foremost young lady in 4-H Club at the National
Convention held in Chicago.
1932—Keewatin graduated 56 graduates,
largest class in the history of the school.
1939-1944—D. F. Dickerson, Superintendent
of Schools.
1944-1950—W. O. Anderson, Superintendent
of Schools.
1944—Dan B. Dasovic, Principal. 1950—M.
J. Weinberger, Superintendent of Schools.
Present enrollment, 419; kindergarten through the 12th grade inclusive.
Present number of teachers, 28. (Note: this was written in 1956)
ATHLETIC CHAMPIONSHIPS Football (Arrowhead Conference): 1947, George
P. Williams, Coach; 1949, George P. Williams, Coach; 1950, George P. Williams,
Coach. Basketball (District 28): 1937, William Ress,
Coach; 1951, George P. Williams, Coach. Speech Contests: Regional Winners: 1937,
Ralph Kokkonen; 1941, Amy
Knudson; 1946, Richard Anderson; 1947, Richard Donlon; 1948, Constance Verrant;
1954, Warren Mason; 1956, Thomas Shuirman, James Verrant, Rozann Uremovich,
Beverly Kruchoski. State Winners: 1949, Joan Shuirman; 1955,
Warren Mason; 1955, Maxine Karpan.

High School Band 1956. ,Inner circle: Mary
Margaret Fazio, Julian D'Andrea, Shirley Golla, Suzanne Patzoit,
Elaine Kruchoski, Joel Omptvedt, Dean Dickovich. Middle circle:
Carol Makinen, Carol Johnson, Corrine Schutte, Natalie Pellicciotti,
David Kleimola, Roberta Dickovich, Don Ella Novak, Judy Muhar, Ed
Gustin, Tom Shuirman, Linda Makinen, James Verrant, Cleone Milani,
Frances Matosich, Mary DeFonso. Outer circle: Ted Renfors, Josette
Vukmonich, Art Hill, Mary Russo, Sharon Ruhanen, David Milani, James
Spadaccini, David Nordstrom, Wilton Durheim, Louis Russo, Tom Adams,
Beverley Kruchoski, Galen Nordstrom, Jim Mayerle, Romaine Menard,
Louis Michelich, Jack DeFonso, John Heino, Richard Dover, Sam Skarich,
Leo Fox, Mary Ann Quayle. Standing circle: Mary Alice Adams, Sandra
Mason, Judy Schweiger, Mary Lee Clemens, Gerald Krueger, Sharon
Mayerle, Eldon Kruchoski, Russell Pulka, David Grcevich, Kathy Moore,
John Vukmonich, F. J. Raniele, Karen Kettunen, Marcia Sametz.
ORGANIZATIONS AMERICAN LEGION The American Legion is the service organization
with the longest period of organization in the Village of Keewatin. It was
first organized on March 20, 1920 with 15 charter members. At the 50 year
mark of Keewatin's history, the American Legion lists 130 members. The Legion has a long history of service
to the community by sponsoring celebrations on patriotic holidays. The American
Legion medal is awarded to the boy high school graduate with the highest
scholastic average. Bginning with 1956, a scholarship of$100 will also be
presented. The Legion sponsors the American Junior Legion baseball activities,
the school patrol, and the annual delegate to Boys' State. OFFICERS IN 1956
Commander |
Tony Emanuel |
Vice Commander |
Nick Perrella |
Vice Commander |
Clarence LeClaire |
Adjutant |
Joseph Grcar |
Finance Officer |
Tony Perrella |
Service Officer |
John Emanuel |
Chaplain |
Tom Commerford |
Sargeant at Arms |
Leon Rostvold |

American Legion Past Commanders |
AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY The Legion Auxiliary was organized in 1920
with Mrs. A. C. Kean actingas first president. The charter issued in 1921
lists 17 charter members as compared to the current membership of 72. The
charter members were: Laurette Anderson, Retta Bede, Mrs. John Beecroft,
Mrs. Richard Camaish, Inez Carlson, Mrs. James Golden, Mrs. A. W. Kangas,
Mrs. A. C. Kean, Ruth Linstrom, Gladys Olson, Mrs. Fred Peiton, Catherine
Shea, Mrs. J. A. Stampe, Mrs. W. B. Steenstrup, and Mrs. F. V. Wakkinen. The primary objective of the Auxiliary is
the furthering of the Legion's program of service to the nation. Locally,
the group has fostered a variety of activities. A few of these are a Child
Welfare Program, which insures care and protection for any veteran's child;
a yearly poppy sale, which finances the Rehabilitation work; sewing and
gift projects, which are sent to state institutions and veteran hospitals;
and the sale of Christmas seals, which is instrumental in promoting good
health. Moreover the Auxiliary makes the same awards that the Legion does
for scholarship and for Girls' State. OFFICERS IN 1956
President |
Mrs. James Bevacqua, Jr. |
First Vice Pres |
Mrs. Nick Muhar, Jr. |
Second Vice Pres |
Mrs. John Bolf |
Secretary |
Mrs. Albert Gallina |
Treasurer |
Mrs. Calvert Bardine |
Chaplain |
Mrs. Tony Perrella |
Historian |
Mrs. Ernest Schutte |

Current Officers of American Legion Auxiliary |
THE ARMED SERVICES Twice in its 50 year history, our small community
has been called to support a national war effort. In both World War I and
World War II, Keewatin enthusiastically responded with its sons. Eighty-two
answered the call in the War of 1917 and over five hundred from Keewatin
had performed duty by the end of World War II. The first to answer the summons
in 1917 include Frank Capelletti, Wm. Phephles, Louis Jeanette, Anton Logar,
Frank Dianne, and Tony Branca. Those among the first to leave Keewatin at
the time of the second world war were Nick "Kiki" Spadaccini, Eli Vukodinovich,
and Victor Naglich. The list of the Departed Comrades includes: Spanish American War
John Stapelton and Jim Reynolds World War I
Dominic Bertogliot, Nels Hatlen, George Murphy, Joseph Preshiren, Urho Ranta,
William Ress, Carl Rico, D. J. Rochon, Neil Shea, John Suzick, August Venier,
Dominic Venier, John Waara, Charles Zevnick. World War II
Frank Belancic, Matt Churack, Raymond Cossick, Ivar Erickson, Wilbur Eckstrom,
Robert Johnson, Lauri Kallio, George Moffat, Frank Molea, Tony Molea, Alfred
Paatala, Vernon Peterson, Frank Prebonic, Frank Schweiger, John Sippola,
Lauri Sippola, Ladislau Vessel Service Training
Norman Williams.

Keewatin Roll of Honor |
Veterans of Foreign Wars The Prebonic-Belancic Post was chartered
in 1946 with 102 members. Membership at present is 155. The V.F.W. is an
active organization. Besides promoting the interests of veterans, the V.F.W.
has an excellent record for community services rendered. It has arranged
community programs to commemorate patriotic holidays. In addition, the
V.F.W. makes an annual award to the outstanding graduating senior in
athletics. With the aid of the V.F.W. Auxiliary, an annual banquet is
held to honor Keewatin's outstanding citizen.

V. F. W. entertained the veterans of the -First
World War. Front row: Tony Branca, A. J. Boudreau,
Archie Donlon, Frank Chaurand, Ray Miller, Al Riggo, Albert
Gallina; Back row: Walt Youngkins, Knute Jensen, Matt Povaiba,
Henry Ericson, Leo Fox, Odin Berg, Earl Smith, Charles Bordwell,
Frank Gordon, Albert Turpinen, Mike lazzio, and Joe Fontaine. |
Officers in 1956
Commander |
Hal Turpin |
Senior Vice Pres |
Matt Lott |
Junior Vice Pres |
Emett Klemik |
Quartermaster |
George Damjanovich |
Adjutant |
Charles Koprevich |
Trustee |
Carold DeJarlais |
Chaplain |
Charles Koprevich |
Judge Advocate |
Matt Brletich |

Veterans of Foreign Wars. Front row: Lee Clemens,
George Dickovich, Steve Grcevich, Williard Anderson; Back row:
John Minerich, Russell Peterson, Rocci Spadaccini, and Vernon
Peterson, along with installing officers |
V.F.W. Auxiliary The V.F.W. Auxiliary No. 5516 was
instituted in 1946
with 45 charter members. The first officers were:
President |
Anne Dickovich |
Senior Vice Pres |
Mary A. Clemens |
Junior Vice Pres |
Lillian D'Andrea |
Treasurer |
Rose Kallio |
Secretary |
Louise Roonzani |
Conductress |
Mary Grcevich |
Chaplain |
Mrs. Mike Michelich |
Patriotic Instructor |
Ann Spadaccini |
Guard |
Frieda Mayerle |
Mrs. Verna Sardine and Mrs. Sally Peterson 1955-56 Officers
President |
Alyce Breletich |
Senior Vice Pres |
Mrs. Sadie Peterson |
Junior Vice Pres |
Mrs. Dora Leone |
Treasurer |
Mrs. Gen Mayerle |
Secretary |
Mrs. Hazel Ingborg |
Conductress |
Mrs. Mary Clemens |
Chaplain |
Mrs. Mary Grahek |
Patriotic Instructor |
Mrs. Lillian Sametz |
Guard |
Mrs. Hal Turpin |
Theresa Lott, Theresa Serratore, Mrs. John Draskovich.

First Officers of V. F. W. Auxiliary. Front row: Mary Clemens,
Louise Ronzooni, Anne Dickovich, Lillian D'Andrea, Mary
Michelich; Second row: Freda Mayerle, Mary Grcevich, Verna
Sardine, Anne Spadaccini, Sally Peterson, and Rose Kalilo. |
MOOSE LODGE The Keewatin Moose Lodge was organized
on February 17, 1929,
with the following as the first officers:
Post Dictator |
Leo Fox |
Dictator |
Nicola A. Cortese |
Vice Dictator |
W. R. O'Connell |
Prelate |
Charlie Nordstrom |
Secretary |
Mike Treno, Sr. |
Treasurer |
Mike Michelich |
Sergeant-at-arms |
Joe Videnich |
Inner Guard |
Tony Logar |
Outer Guard |
Frank Morris, Sr |
Joseph Colosema, William Morris, and Henning Johnson. The purpose of the Moose Fraternity
organization is Purity, Aid, and Progress. One of the strongest factors
in the evergrowing success of the Moose Fraternity is its complete love
for children. The Moose provide a home and school for dependent children
of deceased members at Moose-heart and a home of opportunity for
dependent aged members and their wives at Moosehaven. The organization promotes civic affairs,
and it sponsors with other organizations, Fourth of July celebrations,
Youth Honor Day, Christmas party for kiddies, and donates from its funds
both to Nashwauk and Keewatin to educational and charitable
institutions. The Moose at the present time are sponsoring the Cub and
Boy Scouts of Keewatin. The State Moose Convention was held at Keewatin,
Minnesota, in July, 1937, with Jack Beecroft as General Chairman. The present officers are:
Post Governor |
Stanley D'Andrea |
Governor |
John Fazio |
Junior Governor |
Mike Treno, Jr. |
Prelate |
Anthony Fazio |
Sergeant-at-arms |
Howard Trythall |
Secretary |
Theodore Renfors |
Inner Guard |
Dominic Liocoma |
Outer Guard |
Kenneth Burns |
Trustee, 1 year |
Henning Johnson |
Trustee, 2 years |
Matt Vesel |
Trustee, 3 years |
Fred Montifeltro |
THE WOMEN OF THE MOOSE The Women of the Moose dates back to
November, 1929 with a charter group of 26 members. Officers at the time
Senior Regent |
Margaret Weisse |
Junior Regent |
Hazel Blair |
Recorder |
Emma Miglierini |
Treasurer |
Adeline Anselmo |
Graduate Regent |
Nettie Brown |
Chaplain |
Margaret Vercellini |
The membership of the present Moose
includes women from Nashwauk and Pengilly. The Women of the Moose help
support the National Child Center of Mooseheart, and an old folks' home,
Moosehaven, at Orange, Florida. Among the organization's activities are
the sponsoring of the local Cancer drive as well as aid to student
nurses. At the present time, the society has 50
members with the following officers:
Senior Regent |
Kate Medich |
Junior Regent |
Margaret Fazio |
Recorder |
Mildred Miskovich |
Treasurer |
Bertilda Gaynor |
Graduate Regent |
Hagar Gabardi |
Chaplain |
Hannah Meade |
Guide |
Mildred Moore |
Assistant Guide |
Dorothy Nordstrom |
Sentinel |
Florence Bothke |
Argus |
Velva Sapan |

Women of the Moose. Front row: Helmi Sametz,
Marge;. Fazio., Dorothy Nordstrom, Mary Vesel; Second row:
Catherine Briski, Katherine Medich, Ann Hill, Ruth Omtvedt,
Mary Rebrovich, Anne Korpela, Catherine Wattergren, Clara
Metz; Third row: Evelyn Blair, Anita Perrella, Marie Kesely,
Hazel Blair, Marie Peterson, Helen Bolf, and Irene Ficera. |
WOMEN'S CATHOLIC ORDER OF FORESTERS The Women's Catholic Order of Foresters
was organized September 8, 1935. The first officers were:
Chief Ranger |
Mary Savoy |
Vice Chief Ranger |
Louise Curto |
Recording Secretary |
Helen Pintar |
Financial Secretary |
Mary Schmidt |
Treasurer |
Helen Olson |
Mary Kordish, Rose Adams, and Mary Zevnick. The Catholic Order of Foresters have 54
members at the present time with the following officers:
Chief Ranger |
Johanna Karpan |
Vice Chief Ranger |
Hazel Blair |
Recording Secretary |
Mary Sordi |
Financial Secretary |
Mary Zevnick |
Treasurer |
Josephine Schutte |
Mary Filippi, Mary Michelich, and Ann Spadaccini.
Mary Brletich and Dorothy Stuntebeck.
Ann Juhlin and Ann Gustin.
THE C. I. O. It was not until 1939, after several
unsuccessful attempts, that Labor Unions became firmly established.
At this time, the United Steel Workers of America became an
effective force in economic relations. Working, safety, and health
conditions, have greatly improved because the companies and the
union have worked together. Standard of living has become the
highest in the world, and the miner has become one of the highest
paid workers in America. A pension plan for retired miners, and a
social insurance plan have been negotiated between the company and
the union for the miners. The unions have been active in all
civic and community affairs. They have contributed large sums of
money to all important fund drives and belong to a lot of memorials. Local No. 2660 (Hanna Mines) Local No. 2660 with a membership close to 1000
members represents the Mesabi Chief, the Perry, Carlz, Morton Mines,
and Section 18. Officers are:
President |
Joe Gustin |
Vice President |
Joseph Chamernick |
Recording Sec'y |
Charles Koprivich |
Financial Sec'y |
Tony Osojnicki |
Treasurer |
Nick Muhar |
Local 1439 (Cleveland-Cliffs)
President |
Lloyd Bunce |
Vice President |
Larry Hedman |
Recording Sec'y |
Alvin Blair |
Financial Sec'y |
John Minerich |
Treasurer |
Mike Damjanovich |
Local 2476 (Bennett Local)
President |
Walfred Laine |
Vice President |
Louis Falbo |
Recording Sec'y |
Emil Shubat |
Financial Sec'y |
John Sersich |
Treasurer |
Louis DeFonso |
C.I.O. Auxiliary
The Keewatin C.I.O. Auxiliary was organized in February, 1946,
with the following officers elected:
President |
Ann Koski |
Vice President |
Ann Hill |
Secretary |
Ann Gustin |
Treasurer |
Lyda Laine |
PAC Chairman |
Molly Boben |
The Auxiliary is composed of
wives, mothers, sisters, daughters and any other feminine relatives
of members of the C.I.O., and the purpose is to further the program
of the C.I.O., educate women in trade unionism and to take political
action in line with the C.I.O. This Auxiliary has donated to all
community projects—to the Heart Fund, Cancer Drive, Red Cross, and
conducted the Emergency Polio Drive in 1949. Each year, they send a
CARE package to an orphanage in Korea and collect old Christmas
cards for a mission in India. The present officers are:
President |
Hazel Blair |
Vice President |
Esther Thornburg |
Secretary |
Lyda Laine |
Treasurer |
Mary Brletich |
PAC Chairman |
Johanna Karpan |
Ann Koski, Esther Blair, and Helen Grcevich.
THE FINN HALL A landmark that was the center of much of Keewatin's
early community life building known as the Finn Hall. The Finn Hall was
designed and planned in 1911 by the Finnish Society as a social and
cultural center for the Finnish people of Keewatin. It was a place for
meetings, dances, and plays not only for people of Finnish extraction
but for the entire community.

First Finn Hall |
In the pre-automobile days, Saturday night dances and
plays, some in Finnish and others in English, were great attractions for
many people. With the advent of rapid means of transportation and
communication, as well as the decline of the first generation of Finns,
the Hall has been dormant for the past few years.

Finnish play cast—Spring 1913. Front row: Mrs. G. Pauhu, Mrs.
Lammi, Mrs. John Newman, Mrs. Henry Pauhu, Mrs. Oscar Waara;
Second row: John Heino (Duluth), Moisio, Henry Pauhu, Einar
Kettunen, Mrs. Malmberg; Third row: Gabriel Pauhu, John Jokinen,
Oscar Waara, Malmberg, Newman, and John Niemi. |
SCOUTS Scouting has been a consistent part of
the community's endeavor for Keewatin youth. Although interest rises and
wanes, Keewatin has always maintained a connection with the scout
movement. As members of Troop 18, many Keewatin boys have become
acquainted with the ideals and skills that are taught. Many have reached
the top in scouting. A partial list of Eagle Scouts includes Buddy
Chappel, Larry Maloney, Dennis O'Brien, Pat Adams, and Jim Verrant. At
the present time four dens are very active under James Pellicciotti, Cub
Scout master. The Scouts are currently being sponsored by the Moose. Girl Scouting while dormant at the
present time has also left its mark. A high spot in scouting for girls
was the year 1933, when under the sponsorship of the then Keewatin
Women's Club, the following girls won the highest award in scouting:
Marie D'Andrea, Mary Grivest, Joyce Lehner, and Phyllis Mahon.
KEEWATIN'S PTA The Keewatin Congress of Parents and
Teachers was organized on September 21, 1955 with 28 charter members. At
the close of the first year,the membership increased to 104. The broad
objective of the organization is to promote the welfare of the students,
and to foster a closer relationship between the home and the school.
Besides holding the Community Hallowe'en party, the P-TA also sponsors
the Teen-Age club and a patrol boy at Youth Camp. The first slate of
officers are as follows:
President |
Mrs. James Pellicciotti
Vice President |
Mrs. Tony Emanuel |
Secretary |
Mrs. Frank Adams |
Treasurer |
Mrs. Walter Mitchell |
Program |
Vic Spadaccini |
Publicity |
Mrs. Donald Lindahl |
Membership |
Mrs. Frank Sametz |
Budget |
Mrs. Toivo Makinen |
Faculty Representative |
Dan Dasovic |
Health |
Mrs. Charles Koprevich |
Youth Center and Playground |
Tony Emanuel |
Refreshments |
Mrs. Nick Muhar |
Hospitality |
John Mestnick |

P. T. A. Officers: Mrs. Frank Adams, Mrs. Walter Mitchell, Mrs.
Tony Emanuel, and Mrs. James Pellicciotti. |