This information obtained from
Koochiching County Historical Society
It is recorded that the first permanent
settlers in the Village of Mizpah, in southwestern
Koochiching County were Will, Walter, and Sam Potter. They
arrived in January 1900 and reported that they
found signs of previous habitation. Several deserted cabins
were seen near the site of the present village. Very soon after, the Langaard brothers and
their parents arrived, all of them taking homesteads in the
area. In April, Ed Francis a brother of Mrs.
Walt Potter, who was attending the University, came up for a
visit and he was so impressed he filed before returning to
school. A little later that same year the
following were among new settlers to come in: Fred Peterson,
Ed Hendrickson, George Martin, Claude Covey, Jerry Foster
and Al Langaard. Claude Covey and Jerry Foster had built
the first store where the depot now stands. As many new
settlers were arriving by this time, Charles Gilbertson soon
built a hotel. After finishing his schooling in 1902, Ed
Francis came back to his claim and here he platted a
townsite on part of his land. He built the first business
structure then. Here he operated his printing office, taking
over the Mizpah Message, from John Cowan that same fall. The Mizpah Message, the first newspaper,
was started by John Cowan, and its first home was a log
cabin. The first school was also in this place. Claude Covey
taught the first week until the regular teacher, Miss Cassie
Smith, who later became the wife of Harry Bridgeman, Senator
of Bemidji, arrived. When the Post Office was established in
1904 and the village named Mizpah, interpreted as meaning "a
watchtower," Walter Potter was the first postmaster. George Martin was the first mail carrier.
He walked to and from Bridgie, a distance of 12 miles by
trail, three times a week. Will Potter built the first sawmill at
Mizpah in 1904. A little later he pat in a light plant and
Mizpah became the first place in the county to have
electricity. The Buckmasters started a meat market and
George Semon built a livery stable. This he later sold to
Lawrence Christenson and he purchased the Mizpah Mercantile
Store, using the ground floor for a general merchandise
business and the upper story as a hall for the Odd Fellows
and the general public. After the M. & I. Railway built through
the village in 1906, Joe Condon was the first depot agent.
When the railway reached Int'l. Falls in 1907 the Mizpah
Band, with Ed Francis as bandmaster and Jerry Foster beating
the bass drum made the trip to the Falls by train for the
celebration. The first school building was erected in
1904 near the Gilbertson Hotel. This is now the home of the
Lutheran Church. Roy Leek was the first teacher in this
building. His father, was the first passenger engineer on
the railroad. The first Sunday school and church
services were conducted in the Walt Potter home. His father,
a minister was in charge. Rev. Kingman, missionary from
Sierra Leone, Africa, was the first minister to come to
Mizpah. The first church was built in 1904 on land donated
by Mr. Walt Potter, with the request that its doors never be locked. Anyone hard pressed for shelter
could find it in the church. Walt Potter was superintendent
of the Sunday school as long as he lived there. The first
regular minister was Jesse Rickle, Baptist. In the early days when many large camps
were in operation, Mizpah was a lively little town. The big
lumber concerns bought up the best of the settlers timber
and cut and hauled it into the town where it was sawed and
shipped to market. To accommodate the lumberjacks, John Cowan
established the first bank with Fred LaBrie in charge. The
hotels and saloons did a flourishing business, as in all of
the new lumbering towns. A forest fire swept through part of Mizpah
in 1910 destroying several buildings. The Covey-Foster store
was one of them. In its place, Fred Siats erected a large
building which served for years as the drug store and post
office. The first physician, Dr. Grover had his offices
above the drug store. Fred Siats served for many years as
village clerk. Claude Covey was the first mayor. The first girl to be born in Mizpah was
Lillian Covey (Mrs. Ted Wielander) Bagley. The first boy to
be born in Mizpah was Donald Potter, son of Walter Potter,
born on July 18,1902.
MIZPAH COUNCIL MINUTES The village was plotted in December 1902.
Surveyor was M.D. Stoner of Bemidji, Minnesota. The first
plot had nine blocks, not all rectangular. Blocks 2 and 3
were triangular, but by railroad right of way. At that time we were part of Itasca
County. In Dec. 1906 we became part of the newly created
Koochiching County. This gave the early settlers the
distinction of living in two different counties without ever
moving. In Nov. 1904 a group of citizens
petitioned the County Board to set an election date to vote
for or against incorporation of the Village of Mizpah. The
area in the first petition included 8 sections and the
census showed 154 persons living in that area. Petitioners were: Henry Lillac, Anton Carlson, J.F. Shipman,
A. Green, Henry Ranfranz, Otto Lehmann, Elmer Smith, Henry 0
Kane, J. Willianson, Geo. Bold, Percy Gilson, W.H. Sparrow,
Frank Sullivan, John K. Matheson, Charles Gilbertson, Daniel
W. Francis, Claude E. Covey, Albert Hill, Andy Hagen, Fred
Comstock, Wm Haugslifer, Walter J. Potter, A. E. Foster, W.A.
Potter, Paul Clements, John Mahoney, John Fennil, Gust
Johnson, Gust Bucklin, Lawrence Christianson, George
Burfield, S.A. Burfield, J. Rickel, William M. Farley, R.N.
Hanson, J.L. Durrin, N.P. Johnson, William Archer, R. Mc
Dougal. The election was set for Dec. 28, 1904, at
the school house. 30 votes were cast, the majority in favor
of incorporating. In Feb. 1905 a petition was filed for
detaching sections 11, 14, 15, 22, & 23 from the Village of
Mizpah and annexing them to Englewood Twp. That left the
current sections 2, 3, & 10 in the corporate village. The official committee for there legal
procedures was Daniel W. Francis, Whiter J. Potter, and
Claude E. Covey. Electric light ordinance granted to Wm A.
Potter in 1908. Mizpah was the first village in the area to
have electricity. R.N. Hanson was granted the franchise in
1913. The present Mizpah General Store was built
by a local Co-op in 1908. The top floor Lodge Hall owned by
the I.O.O.F. was a social center for years. Men away from
home needed the brotherhood the Lodge offered. A fire in 1910 destroyed most of the
business section of Mizpah, about 15 buildings were reduced
to ashes in 3 hours. One news clipping says the fire started
in a store basement during the night. The fire hall was
among the first buildings to catch fire and the boys had to
leave their apparatus behind in the burning building. Bucket
brigades, dynamiting several structures and a timely change
in the wind kept fire from spreading to the next block. There were no injuries or loss of life.
Loss was estimated at $30,000.00, with about half covered by
insurance. 1910 Liquor licenses were $500.00 a year,
at least 3 granted. 1912 Liquor licenses shall be $750.00 per
year, limit 2. 1913 Liquor licenses back to $500.00,
limit 2. May 1911, will let contract for village
cemetery to be plowed, dragged, leveled down, and ready for
grass seed. In the fall the village drayman does the work.
Pay was $5.50 per day for man and team. Sept. 1912 The council accepted the bid of
$220.00 to build a 3 cell lockup. Dec. 3, 1912 paid Frank S. Lang for
filling cemetery plat. June 9, 1913 Voted to fence cemetery. The
first cemetery was located north of Highway 71 on the first
hill west of the creek on the K Bar Ranch, Most of the
burials were moved to the new location. As late as 1955 one
could still see a rustic fence and several grave markers in
the old cemetery. Two of these were for Fraley girls. In 1914-1915 there was much discussion
about outstanding indebtedness. In 1917 it was declared unlawful to have
horses and cattle running at large. In 1918 the village issued bonds for
$3,000.00, @ 6% for the purpose of taking up outstanding
warrants. The bid of Charles Draheim was accepted. Aug. 6, 1919 The towns of Englewood,
Pinetop and Forest Grove ask permission to come in the
Village of Mizpah with their telephone lines and operate a
switch. Permission granted. Chemical fire fighters were purchased. June 7, 1922 The Community Club asked to
have part of cemetery grounds as a park. The club would
clear, improve, and beautify the same. The village fathers
would have rubbish and down timber removed. June 5, 1923 A claim for $1,500.00 for
injury to a woman falling on account of bad sidewalk. After
discussing the case with an attorney and the husband, the
council offered $150.00 for full settlement. This offer was
accepted. July 1, 1925 decided to let the Lutherans
use the old town hall for church service. March 1926 Paid Dr. Dufort for small pox
bill. In April 1926, R.J. Larson applied for a
dance permit for a dance to be given by the Ball Team in the
Semon building. May 1926 Resolved to have whistle blown at
9:00 P.M. curfew. All children 16 years or under shall be
off the streets. June 1926 The Community Club and Council
were interested in establishing a tourist park. The club had
$125.00 on hand for this. May 1929 The Mizpah Council and the
Englewood Board accepted the low bid of Tom Gosline for road
gravel @ 58¢ per yard. He hauled 200 loads that summer. Our
windmill tower for the fire bell was purchased in 1930 for
$33.15 plus $2.49 freight. 1,000 pounds of grasshopper poison was
ordered in 1932. May 1933 The council allowed hotel keeper,
Ed Flank $1.00 to pay meals for a "[derogatory adjective
deleted]". Dec. 1934 Liquor vote 39 no, 33 yes. 1935 Vote tied at 36 for and 36 against. Dec. 1936 The vote was 35 for and 13
against liquor license and Municipal Store. Oct. 1940 Bought the Lang building for a
Village Hall. Plans for remodeling were drawn by Wm Woessner.
Bill was then hired to supervise the work. Some youth were
employed. Previously the I.O.O.F. Hall was used for public
gatherings and elections. In 1941 Walter Weichselbaum began showing
movies in the west side of the hail. This is where we saw
"Gone With the Wind", among many other fine shows. During this period of time the Minnesota
and Ontario Company had a planing mill, storage yard, and
shipping facilities in Mizpah. The M.& O. Co. was very
generous with insulite wall and ceiling for the new Village
Hall. 1943 Some sewer lines were put in. 1945 Henning Carlton was granted
permission to construct telephone service system. 1948 The village put up the quonset type
building for municipal liquor and fire hall. Later the store
burned out. This building is the present Village Hall.
Truck, pumper, and hose purchased. 1949 D. Hoist and later Dave Fox had
roller skating in the hall. (the former theater), Feb. 1953, fire ruined the interior of the
liquor store. There was much discussion whether to repair
the building or build a new store near Highway 71. They made
arrangement to operate temporarily in Runyon's Tavern. Later
the village and Runyon made a long time lease arrangement
that involved moving his building up by the highway. There was roller skating in the hall in
1953 & 1954. Back in 1953 the Village Councils were writing
State Congressmen to protest closing small depots. The burned out liquor store was sold to
Herman Carlton. His dad, Henning Carlton used it as garage
and shop for his telephone business. In 1950s a Square Dance Club was very
active. One 4th of July there were at least 9 squares on the
floor, pretty crowed. One of our current Senior Citizens,
Walter Hanson did not go dancing till he wore a peg leg,
following an accident. In 1954 the Fire Hall was insulated,
one-half the material was given by M. & O. Paper Co. Jan. 1956 the council voted to sell out
their liquor business to Runyon and sell him a private
license. Sept. 1961, the Mizpah Fire Department
owned the west part of the building that housed their
equipment. This year they purchased the east part of the
building from H. Carlton and then presented the deed to the
Village of Mizpah. Members of the council and the department
then made plans to convert it into a Village Hall. There
followed 2 years of fund raising and work bees by all the
organizations in the area to clean out, renew and restore
the place. Old walls, ceiling and floor all had to be
replaced. The Community Club, Lutheran Aid, Presbyterian
Aid, Farmers Club, American Legion & Auxiliary, Firemen, the
4-H Club, and private citizens all worked together. Several
non-active organizations such as Square Dance Club, Boy
Scouts and Sportsmen Club emptied their treasuries into the
Hall Building Fund. In 1963, the Ace High 4-H planted trees in
the cemetery and dump ground woods. Peter Reiners bought the
old hall. He later sold it to the K Bar Ranch who used it
for storage. The council protested mail trucks
replacing mail train cars in 1965.

Independence Day Program, Mizpah Minnesota,
From the Northome Bicentennial Book,