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St. Paul, Minnesota Photo Gallery Summit Hill and Summit University
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Park Congregational Church, 500 Holly, St. Paul, Minnesota,
1883 [completed 1883, in use until 1915, demolished
sometime after that]
Minnesota Historical Society
- click image to enlarge or purchase copy at MNHS |

Alexander Ramsey School, Cambridge and Grand, St. Paul,
Minnesota, 1886 [date constructed unknown, replaced with
Alexander Ramsey Middle School on adjacent lot (1700 Summit
Avenue) in 1927, building pictured was demolished sometime
after this] Courtesy
College - click image to enlarge |

View of Summit Avenue in winter, 1890s
Photograph, source unknown |

James J. Hill Residence, 240 Summit Avenue, St. Paul,
Minnesota, 1905 [4 floors, completed 1891, in use today
as museum - details at
Emporis MNHS] Postcard and Postcard Image Collection -
click image to enlarge |

St. John's the Evangelist Episcopal Church, 60 Kent Street
N, St. Paul, Minnesota, 1908 [completed 1903, remains in
use today, details -
Church website -
Emporis -
Google Maps
] Postcard and Postcard Image Collection -
click image to enlarge |

Summit Park Fountain, St. Paul, Minnesota, 1908 Postcard and Postcard Image Collection -
click image to enlarge |

View from Sherburne Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota, 1908 Postcard and Postcard Image Collection -
click image to enlarge |

Wallace Hall, Macalaster College, St. Paul, Minnesota, 1908
[5 floors, completed 1907, still in use as of 2021, details at
Emporis] Postcard and Postcard Image Collection - click
image to enlarge |

The Aberdeen
Hotel, 350 Dayton Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota, 1909
[8 floors, completed 1887, demolished 1944, details -
Emporis -
Forgotten Minnesota] Postcard and Postcard Image Collection -
click image to enlarge |

St. Joseph's Academy, 355 Marshall Avenue, St. Paul,
Minnesota, 1900 building completed in 1863, multiple
additions added over the years, operated as a school by the
Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet until 1971, currently
operated as a school by Christ's Household of Faith with 162
students in grades PK-12] [Emporis
- Google
Maps] Courtesy
Sisters of St. Joseph of
Carondelet - click image to enlarge |

Summit Avenue and Park,
St. Paul, Minnesota, 1910s Postcard and Postcard Image Collection -
click image to enlarge |

Dayton Avenue Presbyterian Church, 503 Dayton Avenue, St.
Paul, Minnesota, 1910s [completed 1886, used as
Presbyterian Church until 2018, currently vacant] Postcard and Postcard Image Collection -
click image to enlarge |

The Angus hotel, Selby and Western, St. Paul, Minnesota, 1911 Postcard and Postcard Image Collection -
click image to enlarge |

Mount Zion Temple, 796 Holly, St. Paul, Minnesota, 1911
[organized 1856 as the first Jewish congregation in the
Upper Midwest, this building completed 1904, congregation
moved to new temple at 1300 Summit in 1954, where it remains
today. This building was sold to Sons of Abraham
congregation and became Gedaliah Leib Congregation after a
merger, and dissolved in the early 1970's. This building was
demolished sometime after that and a parking lot is
currently located on the site -
Google Maps]
Haupt and his GREAT collection of St. Paul postcards -
click image to enlarge |

Summit Avenue,
St. Paul, Minnesota, 1912 Postcard and Postcard Image Collection -
click image to enlarge |
Hill School, 156 N Oxford (Oxford and Selby), St. Paul,
Minnesota, 1912 [completed 1906, used as a school until
1975 when the current J J Hill Montessori Magnet School was
built next to the old school at 998 Selby. Old school
(pictured) was demolished shortly after that and its site is
vacant land. Current
school website -
Google Maps] Postcard and Postcard Image Collection -
click image to enlarge |

J.J. Hill Residence, St. Paul, Minnesota, 1913 Postcard and Postcard Image Collection -
click image to enlarge |

University Club, 420 Summit Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota,
1914 [5 floors, completed 1913, still in use today,
details -
University Club -
Emporis] Postcard and Postcard Image Collection -
click image to enlarge |

Woodland Park Baptist Church, 118 N Victoria Street, St.
Paul, Minnesota, 1914 [completed 1885, in use today as
Annointed Faith Missionary Baptist Church -
Google Map] Postcard and Postcard Image Collection - click
image to enlarge |

House of Hope Presbyterian Church, 797 Summit Avenue, St.
Paul, Minnesota, 1916 [completed 1914, currently in use,
details - House of Hope
Emporis] Postcard and Postcard Image Collection -
click image to enlarge |

Summit Avenue looking west, St. Paul, Minnesota, 1917 Postcard and Postcard Image Collection -
click image to enlarge |

House of Hope Presbyterian Church, 797 Summit Avenue,
St. Paul, Minnesota, 1920s [completed
1914, currently in use, details -
House of Hope
Emporis] Postcard and Postcard Image Collection -
click image to enlarge |

St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran Church, 981 Marshall
Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota, 1923 [services held in
church basement 1917, building completed 1923, became
Trinity Church 1978, First Trinity moved to Fridley
around 2018, now occupied by International Christian
Faith Center - church
website -
Minnesota Historical Society
- click image to enlarge or purchase copy at MNHS |

St. John's the Evangelist Episcopal Church, 60 Kent
Street N, St. Paul, Minnesota, 1935 [completed 1903,
remains in use today, details -
Church website -
Emporis -
Google Maps]
[note: this image dated 1935 by MNHS but believed to be
much earlier, around 1910) Postcard and Postcard Image Collection -
click image to enlarge |

Lincoln Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota, 1940
Photo by John Vachon -
Image courtesy Library of
Congress - click image to enlarge |

Prom Ballroom,
1190 University Avenue, Saint Paul Minnesota, 1940s
[opened 1941, demolished 1987, details at
Wikipedia -
TC Music Highlights] Postcard and Postcard Image Collection -
click image to enlarge |

The House Of Hope Presbyterian Church,797 Summit Avenue, St.
Paul, Minnesota, 1960s
[completed 1914, currently in use,
details - House of Hope
Haupt and his GREAT collection of St. Paul postcards -
click image to enlarge |

Governors Mansion, St. Paul, Minnesota, 1966 Postcard and Postcard Image Collection -
click image to enlarge |

St. Paul's Evangelical and Reformed Church, 900 Summit
Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota, 1966 [completed 1952, in use
today as St. Paul's United Church of Christ, details -
website -
Google Maps] Postcard and Postcard Image Collection -
click image to enlarge |

Aerial View of Redeemer Arms Lutheran Church and Redeemer
Arms Apartments, 1970s [organized as Redeemer English
Evangelical Lutheran Church in 1890, first location was
basement of St John’s Lutheran Church, 8th & Locust, moved
to Lafayette and Woodward in 1892, the moved to newly
constructed building at 285 N Dale Street in 1911, remains
at this location -
Haupt and his GREAT collection of St. Paul postcards -
click image to enlarge |

Redeemers Arms Apartments, 313 N Dale Street, St. Paul,
Minnesota, 1970s [4 floors, completed 1965, in use as
Dale Street
Place today, details -
Emporis -
Google Maps] Postcard and Postcard Image Collection -
click image to enlarge |

Pilgrim Baptist Church, 732 Central Avenue West, Saint Paul,
Minnesota, 1990 [Pilgrim Baptist was founded by a group
of ex-slave African Americans who arrived in St. Paul on May
6, 1863. A year after their arrival, the group
petitioned First Baptist Church to become a mission.Formally
organized as Pilgrim Baptist and built church at Sibley near
Morris St. [no address] Second church built at Cedar
and Summit [no address]. The congregation erected a new
church at 732 W. Central Avenue, designed by architect
William Linley Alban, who also designed St. Matthew’s
Lutheran Church at 507 Dale St. in Frogtown.] [Church
website -
Emporis -
Wikipedia -
Google Maps
- U of M
Church History]
Library of Congress -
click image to enlarge |

Saint Thomas More Church, 1079 Summit Avenue, St. Paul,
Minnesota, 2019 [serves the blended congregations of the
former St. Luke's and Immaculate Heart of Mary churches on
Summit Avenue in St. Paul, Organized in 1888 as St. Luke's.
First building on Victoria & Portland was a temporary wooden
building. Present building was a basement church, 1920-1926,
completed in 1926. St. Luke's merged with
Immaculate Heart of Mary church in 2008 and became Saint Thomas
More Church.. John T. Comes, architect.
Church website
Emporis -
Google Maps
- U of M Church History]
Photo by Carol M.
Hightower - image courtesy
Library of Congress - click image to enlarge |

House of Hope Presbyterian Church, 797 Summit Avenue, St.
Paul, Minnesota, 2019
[completed 1914, currently in use,
details - church
Emporis -
Photo by Carol M.
Hightower - image courtesy
Library of Congress - click image to enlarge |