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From HISTORY OF LYON COUNTY by Arthur P. Rose © 1912 |
The smallest of
the incorporated villages of Lyon county is Taunton, it is a
station of the Northwestern railroad and is in the extreme
northwestern corner of the county, on section 17, Until 1885 the site of Taunton was bare of improvements. That year the railroad company built a side-track there and the site became known as Siding No. 4. In the fall of 1885 Marfield & Company put up a warehouse and J. P. Tumelty bought grain for the firm at the new station. The second building on the site was put up by Fred Smuhl, who conducted a small grocery store and became postmaster. 14 In April, 1886, the village was platted and "Siding No. 4" became Taunton. The plat was surveyed by C. C. Pudor and the dedication was made April 30 by Albert Keep, as president of the Winona & St. Peter Railroad Company. Only two blocks were platted. The streets were named First, Second, Garfield, Main and Lincoln. Turner & Brenna established a warehouse in 1890 and
divided the grain business with Marfield & Company. In the
summer of 1892 Nick Grengs erected a building and opened a
general store. Two rural routes are operated from Taunton. The first
carrier of No. 1 was Henry Conger and of No. 2 The year of greatest growth in Taunton's history was 1898, when Franz Anthony opened a general store, Allen Lester a hardware store, Amund Huseby a hotel, and a few others engaged in business. A resident of the village, writing to the Marshall News-Messenger of December 9, 1898. gave the following description of Taunton and its standing: In your paper of November 25 you speak of Taunton as a
railroad station with but half a dozen or less buildings.
You have a mistaken idea of the size of our town. Taunton
has about 100 inhabitants. We have thirty business and
dwelling houses; we have three firms buying grain, two
elevators and one warehouse; we have a lumber yard which
does a good business; three general stores and one hardware
store, all doing a good business; we also have one
restaurant and one boarding house and two blacksmith shops.
And at present there are three gangs of carpenters busy
every day, and The prosperous times of the late nineties brought several
new enterprises to the little village and in the spring of
1900 a census showed a population of 184 people living on
the 1730 acres of Forty-nine residents of Taunton on May 1, 1900,
petitioned the county authorities for village government.
The County Hoard took favorable action that day and named W.
S. Baldwin, The license question has never been submitted in Taunton
under the local option law and saloons have
always been licensed by the Village Council. Since becoming an incorporated municipality Taunton
has had a slow hut steady growth. The population was 196
in 1905 and 205 in 1910. Among the improvements of
recent year were a THE SCHOOL Taunton has a good semi-graded public school. O. H.
Mullar is the principal and teaches the higher grades;
Annie Ahern has charge of the lower grades. The
present enrollment is about ninety. The school board is
composed of M. F. Ahern, clerk; P. P. Ahern,
treasurer; and D. F. Salmon, director. THE CHURCHES St. Cyril and Methoduis Polish Catholic Church of.
Taunton is one of the strong religious bodies of Lyon
county and has a membership of about fifty families.
The church edifice was erected in 1895 and was dedicated
June 13 of that year. The dedicatory services were
conducted by Fathers Jager, of Marshall, and Zaleawiski,
of„ Wilno, and were attended by over 1000 people. For
many years the church was ministered to by priests
from Ivanhoe and Wilno. The resident priests have been
Fathers A German Lutheran society is maintained in Taunton, supplied by pastors from other churches. THE FIRE DEPARTMENT. The Taunton Fire Department was organized in 1907. Its fire fighting apparatus consists of a chemical engine and its membership is fifteen. John Ross is the chief. THE BANK. The State Bank of Taunton began business in May, 1905, with a capital stock of
$10,000. The officers and directors at the time of
organization and at the present time are as follows: |
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